Hidden Trauma, Patterns, and Obstacles

Address the origin to heal the wound.

At Spiriteric, we believe in addressing the roots of the challenges rather than just managing the symptoms. Our approach empowers individuals to control their psyche, restoring their perception of existence and healing deep-seated traumas. Discover your inner strengths and tap into your soul’s potential with our specialized services. Spiriteric offers a unique fusion of spiritual philosophy and psychology-based intuition, facilitating your journey toward self-improvement, healing, and understanding.

Growth Mindset

$250 | 60 minutes

Career and Life Coaching methods will challenge and inspire you to make new choices that directly improve your outcomes. Forge a path by understanding and reframing the story.

Self Acceptance

$250 | 60 minutes

The Mental can struggle to collaborate with other aspects of the Self (Emotional, Physical, Spiritual). Listening to and working with these Subtle Energies can empower your whole being.


$75 | 20 minutes

Connect with those you care about in new ways, whether human, animal, or other worldly. Psychic Mediumship offers an opportunity to alter the veil between souls and gain insight into situations.



Commitment to one’s evolution is a profound undertaking, and we are here to support your journey with affordable Membership levels for where you want to be now and in the future.

One Focus Sessions

Spiriteric’s targeted life coaching and energy influencing sessions. Save time and money while improving your psyche. These succinct hyper-focused sessions are designed to create profound personal breakthroughs in under 30 minutes. | Buy a Bundle of 6 Sessions


$40 | 15 minutes

Reframe + Refocus | Break free from the mental loops keeping things stagnant. Shift your perspective for a concentrated burst of growth and transformation.


$50 | 20 minutes

Remove + Restore | Clear out energetic obstacles, attachments, and auric fragmentation. Improve energy and vitality with a mindful psyche reset.


$60 | 25 minutes

Allow + Release | Navigate the challenges of loss and grief with grace. This session helps you process those moments with compassion and understanding.


Postal Parcel Box
13110 NE 177th Pl #1050
Woodinville, WA 98072

Voicemail • SMS
260 • 300 • 0117‬

Session Availability
Tues • Wed • Thurs
2 PM - 11 PM Pacific


ANIMAL ♥ $75


MIRROR ♥ $75